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Page history last edited by Rob Prentice 14 years, 7 months ago


These pages are intended as an information source and forum for volunteers and potential volunteers at Gwalior Childrens Hospital and Snehalaya in India together with supporters and volunteers in UK, USA and around the world.
Because of some bad experiences in past, we have changed our system. Now any discussion or messages are placed in PBWIKI only after having been moderated. I request you to correspond with me direct (Dr. Sharma) and your message for discussion will be placed in PBwiki if found appropriate. However let me inform you that during last four years, we did not find much interest for discussion but some hackers/miscreants started misusing our discussion site, hence this change. Please do write to me at gwalior.hospital@care4free.net and I shall reply. I look into all mails personally at this address.

Our other website is helpchildrenofindia.org.uk. They will give you general information about our hospitals, services, schools and our new orphanage. If you are interested in supporting us as a fundraiser, volunteer or specialist volunteer in the field, check out our other pages. Our new name is Gwalior Childrens Charity to reflect the whole work we do now with focus being Snehalaya and its surrounding villages. For details for work since inception till 2007 and for references please see http://www.gwalior.hospital.care4free.net


At the Gwalior Childrens Charity (formerly known as Gwalior Childrens Hospital), you're always welcome!




Contact us: Tel: 01922 629842 Fax:01922 632942 mob.00447729929982 or write to

Gwalior Childrens Charity, 14 Magdalene Rd, Walsall, West Midlands WS1 3TA, U.K. email: Gwalior.Hospital@care4free.net

Our correspondence address in India is -

Dr. B.K. Sharma at Akanksha, Gwalior Childrens Hospital Campus, Opposite Jhansi Road Police Station, Gwalior (M.P.) 474 009 and Snehalaya is located at 16 KM mile stone on Jhansi road, village sikroda, Post Badori, distt. Gwalior (M.P.) 475 001. Tel. 00919425113822

and e mail: snehalaya.gwalior@gmail.com





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Comments (6)

Anonymous said

at 5:13 pm on Feb 15, 2006

Your comments are always welcome. You can discuss the contents of this or any page--simply by clicking on the "Discuss" tab for the particular page.

Anonymous said

at 5:55 am on Feb 18, 2006

Thanks to Robin, now this site is available for discussion, views and communication among volunteers and supporters. Please use it and let us know of your views as well help us in taking this work forward. Feel free to write to me through this site or direct to my email address gwalior.hospital@care4free.net

Anonymous said

at 12:48 am on Apr 3, 2006

Dear volunteers and supporters, This wiki has been developed for your involvement and participation in discussion, placing your views, opinions, reports, events and questions, but surprisingly we do not see any activity here and in stead every thing is being sent to me directly. Please participate directly and let every one see it rather than having just personal communications with me. Thanks, BK

Anonymous said

at 11:58 pm on Aug 23, 2006

Hi Everyone,

Not sure if this is the right place for this message but will give it a go! I am 25 year old newly qualified physiotherapist coming to Gwalior on Septemebr the 5th for 5 months. i would be really interested to hear from any other volunteers who will be working in india at the same time, or alternatively, if any volunteers already in India could get in contcat with me via this site. It would be good to hear any tips anyone has, I want the time I spenf in india to be as productive as possible.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Anonymous said

at 6:09 pm on Sep 1, 2006

Thanks for your comment, Kate.
But you did not give an email address.
I'd suggest you get a web-mail address for help (although by the time you read them you will already be in Gwalior!)

Anonymous said

at 11:59 pm on Jan 30, 2008

Beloved fellow volunteers and supporters, It is a priviledge sharing in GCHC work with you. I am a microbiologist by training who is naturally arts inclined. I am currently doing a story - titled " MEENA" - for gwalior. B.K thinks it's interesting and would come out well. Also, I write poems which I usually complete at a sitting - unlike stories.
It is my intention to write articles for publication, for the benefit of GCHC but wish to do so where assistance would more likely be forthcoming for gwalior. Nigeria - now you know where I am from - is a developing country with a lot of people living on less than a dollar a day. Basically, I am requesting for foreign editorial contacts to which I can submit materials for publication. THANK!

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